About me

I am currently a Research Associate (PostDoc) at the University of Sheffield working with Prof. Xin Zhang. Prior to that, I was a Research Assistant at Imperial College London supervised by Dr. Fei Teng. I obtained my Ph.D. degree from Zhejiang University, China, on Sept. 2022 (co-supervised by Prof. Jiming Chen, Prof. Peng Cheng, Prof. Ruilong Deng, and Dr. Chengcheng Zhao). I obtained my Bachelor degree on Jun. 2017 from Tongji University, China.

My current research focuses on the cyber-resiliency-enhancement of the low-carbon power system with the large penetration of distributed energy resources. In particular, I am interested in applying physics-aware methods based on control theory and optimization tools to improve the detection, mitigation, and recovery capabilities of the power system when facing high-impact and low-probability attack events. During the PhD period, I was dedicated to designing proactive detection and recovery-enabled mitigation approaches for microgrids, as well as estanlishing hardware-in-the-loop testbed used for verification.
